







Group members in order from left to right:

Brendan Wiggins – Senior in the Bioengineering Department at George Mason University with a concentration in Signals and Systems.  I live within the NOVA area and would like to find a job in the biology/bioengineering field once I graduate from GMU.  Currently, I assist the team by researching various topics for our group meetings that we have every Thursday. Worked on the 3D printed components of the prototype, reviewing relevant literature of similar projects, and gathering test data.

Thao Tran – Attends George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, where she is pursuing her BS degree in Bioengineering within the Volgenau School of Engineering. Would like to get a job in the characterizing of materials field. Primarily worked on processing testing data, researching relevant physics concepts, and designing the 3D printed components of the prototype.

Joel Shirey, Team Leader – Senior at George Mason University studying Bioengineering with a concentration in Signals and Systems. Graduating in the Spring of 2016 and plans to get a job in the field of Bioengineering. Designated group leader and worked primarily with the hands-on aspects of building the prototype and the testing structures.

Mahsa Layazali – I am a senior in Bioengineering with concentration in health informatics. I got my associate degree at NOVA Community College in Mathematics. My interests in my field are health information system, bio imaging, and data analysis. Also, I like to design and discover the new methods that can be helpful to the current and future health system. I am planning to get graduated in December 2016. Worked on researching the biology of concussions, collecting and processing the testing data, and administrative details.

Lydia Shirey, Team Manager – Senior in the Bioengineering Department at George Mason University with a concentration in Signals and Systems. From the NOVA area and would like to stay in the region to get a job upon graduating. Designated group manager and worked primarily on administrative details and processing testing data.

Mahsa wearing the prototype:
